Project: Bayburt Chinimachin Museum
Location: Bayburt
Client: Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Year: 2019-2020
Enise Burcu Derinboğaz, Öykü Arda, İzel Beşikci
Alper Derinboğaz, Bahadır Kantarcı, Egemen Onur Kaya, Gamze Kaya, Doruk Kayalı, Pınar Kömürcü, Emmy Bacharach
Concept Design, Design Development, Construction Documents
Bayburt Çinimaçin Museum Landscape Project aims to highlight the historical and ecological values of Bayburt Castle and Bayburt province and to provide characteristic continuity. Within the landscape project, spaces have been designed to allow the visitors to experience the city view and local landscape character in parallel with the architectural character of the museum.