Project: Re/De Central Park | La+Iconoclast Competition
Location: New York
Year: 2018
Team: Enise Burcu Derinboğaz, Öykü Arda, Edis Bengi Erciyes, Alp Serif Besen
Narrative Driven Ecologies, Cocoon Biology
According to the story, Eco-terrorists attack the Central Park and claim responsibility for the devastation. The design is based on the idea that Central Park creates a nature that is nourished by its own power in the process of re-existence. The story that develops in the stages of contamination, mutation, unexpected energy flow, revitalization respectively. The recovery process takes place through pollination from the phantom tunnels through the different levels of the city. In time, cocoons hanging from the tunnels form and accelerate the healing process due to the cocoon structure and biology.