Project: S House
Status: Completed
Location: İzmir
Client: Sedef Ataman
Year: 2018-2019
Enise Burcu Derinboğaz, Öykü Arda
Alper Derinboğaz, Egemen Onur Kaya, Ömer Manav
Photography and Video: Orhan Kolukısa, Yerçekim Architectural Photography
S House Summer House Landscape Project
The landscape idea of the Summer House is emerges from three conceptual volumes. Wild, Productive and Domesticated. These three different characters are supported with the specific selection of planting and hardscape material palette. In the wild part the natural meadow and calming character welcomes the visitor. The productive part serves for the kitchen providing edible and aromatic plants in close dialogue with the interior kitchen. The domesticated part is the most controllable part of the garden where grass cover is used and the pool is placed that blends the green with the blue.