Project: Buyukkilicli Rural Development Project
Status: Published
Location: Silivri, Istanbul
Client: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
Year: 2017 - 2018
Team: Enise Burcu Derinboğaz, Öykü Arda, Dilara Sezgin, Gamze Varol
Development Strategies and Spatial Design Ideas
Büyükkılıçlı is a village in the north west of Istanbul that is facing a serious risk of population loss. This project is a strategical rural development report that consists of macro, medium and micro scale spatial ideas as well as feasibility documents.
The village is analized with a regional perspective that considers the economical activity and potentials of the surrounding villages and settlements. From this regional approach Büyükkilicli comes forward with its significant power of women labor and agricultural production. Proposed Women Agricultural Production Farm was proposed in order to create a value for all the women from the surrounding area.
The main goal for this guide and report to create a future vision and growth direction for the village and region itself. Growth without damaging the unique characteristic of the area while enhancing the existing potentials.